The Ludosalus Dissonance of eSports The Ludosalus Dissonance of eSports

The Ludosalus Dissonance of eSports

Discussing the lack of balance between the health of our avatars in game play and the health of our actual selves

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Many of us are familiar with the term “Ludonarrative Dissonance“, a concept coined by Clint Hocking of LucasArts to describe the conflict that can be found in video games in which the narrative or storyline of a video game does not match the actual game play within. In relation to this concept we here at Health eSports are identifying an ever growing “Ludosalus Dissonance”, in which there is an extreme lack of balance between the health of our avatars in game play and the health of our actual selves.

What is Health eSports? How can I be be a Health eGamer?

Health eSports is about analyzing and providing education and information about the health needs of everyone who participates in esports and gaming in general. Health eGamers are esports athletes, streamers, and everyday gamers who understand the degree to which playing esports and virtual games of all types can and do impact their health. 

This site is dedicated to the eSports champions and champions to be who are out there competing, entertaining, and engaging fans across the world. The world of eSports are made up of athletes that cross cultures, age, gender, income, physicality, and intelligence, and makes for some of the most exciting sports matchups out there! There is one thread that connects them all though and that is the fact that they are athletes of the highest caliber who train, exercise, and dedicate themselves to their athletic art. In order to do so they need to be a Health eGamer!